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Useful Tips To Customize The Pendants For Ashes

The sorrow of losing a loved one is, certainly, indescribable. This can only be felt and not described in words. However, one must remember that everyone born on this earth has to meet an end in the form of death. And, why should one live in tears when the deceased loved ones can be kept closest to heart using the pendants for ashes. However, one should take sufficient care while making a selection. There are plenty of choices in readymade designs, and yet, none of designs may be prove to be best suitable to your requirements. But that is not the end of everything. You have all the freedom and facility to customize the design of the pendants. Here are some useful tips to customize the designs:

  • Pendant with name: A cremation pendant or piece of pet cremation jewelry, in the first place, is meant for preserving the ashes. But what you can additionally do is with its design is to get the name of the deceased carved on it. You can get the full name engraved if the name is short and the pendant contains the ashes of a single person.
  • Pendant with initials: In case the pendant contains the ashes of different persons or pets, you can engrave the initials of the names.
  • Pendant with a symbol: Whether you are buying the pendants for ashes for your loved one or for the pet you loved the most; you can get a symbol engraved on it. However, the symbol should be such that it is well associated with the beloved pet or the person and it reminds you some particular moments.
  • Colour: Some of the people may consider the colours as per their choice. However, many render respect to their deceased loved ones by considering what colour was favourite when they were alive. It is not essential to choose the favourite colour of you passed away beloved, but if you do so; perhaps, you may feel more warmth and closeness.


With the above tips, you can now definitely customize urn pendants as per your choice!