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The Wonderful World Of Skulls

The Wonderful World Of Skulls

When you are afraid of the dark, you try to avoid elements associated with it. One of them is skulls. But skulls are actually quite cool when you look at it from a design perspective. You would see a lot of people actually indulging in making and buying designs that concern the skull motif. They are widely used in the clothing and accessories category. You can have skull jewelry if this sort of motif excites you. There are a lot of options that are available. If you don’t like something too loud then you can go in for understated designs. They come in a variety of finishes that include gold, silver and even gunmetal. If you have seen skull rings, then you know what we are talking about. These kinds of things are mostly popular in the younger generation who are always trying to experiment with what they wear and what they do.

There can be a small guide to understanding what this stands for

  • The younger generation is basically more experimental in nature when it comes to various things – things like tastes and fashion. This is a great truth because they can then lay their hands easily on the things that are not doing so great in terms of fashion and turn it around to something that is. The biggest example of this is using the motifs that find no use anywhere else and using it for their own dressing.
  • This also sort of creates a movement where only this part of the society wears things like these. If you have seen a youngster wearing a skull design either in the form of jewelry or clothing, you would know what I am talking about. Popular bands like Metallica, Iron Maiden and Guns N Roses have also sported skulls quite regularly in their album art.